Programmheft APR-JUL 2024:

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Calligraphy/ Ink Painting

Chinese Calligraphy

Chinese calligraphy includes the four treasures of the study room: ink brush, xuan paper, rubbing stone and ink stone. But in this online workshop we will break away from these specifications and use utensils that can be found in the German household: Kitchen sponge, newspaper, soft pencils, brushes. Our teacher Ms You will guide you and explore with you how Chinese characters can also be produced with unorthodox writing utensils.


Workshop / 3 Units <>24 € / 18 €


  • Mu Donghong Presence
    Workshop Kalligraphie
    Wed, 20. November 17.00 - 20.30 o'clock (2024-HKK1)

    32 € / 24 € ERM For registration

  • Mu Donghong Presence
    Workshop Kalligraphie
    Fri, 13. December 18.30 - 22.00 o'clock (2024-HKK2)

    32 € / 24 € ERM For registration

Chinese Ink painting

Traditional Chinese painting is done with brushes, ink and rice paper. In the course you will learn essential techniques and will soon be able to paint birds, flowers and bamboo. Previous experience is not necessary.

WORKSHOP: 1 APPOINTMENT / 4 Units • 32 € / 24 € ERM


  • Mu Donghong Presence
    Workshop Tuschemalerei
    Thu, 31. October 17.00 - 20.30 o'clock (2024-HKM1)

    32 € / 24 € ERM For registration

  • Mu Donghong Presence
    Workshop Tuschemalerei
    Fri, 06. December 18.30 - 22.00 o'clock (2024-HKM2)

    32 € / 24 € ERM For registration
